
资料分类:工程技术 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-02
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关键词:隧道施工 危险因素 防护技术 安全管理


ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of our country highway tunnel, the people on the traffic infrastructure construction standards are also more and more high, the status of tunnel in the traffic engineering plays an increasingly important role. Highway tunnel construction site safety technology mainly includes two aspects, one spot, unsafe state influences the construction of highway tunnel, the two field of human unsafe behavior influence of highway tunnel construction, in view of this situation, from a practical point of view, this paper mainly on construction site safety risk analysis and the main risk sources are also discussed, and the influence of the construction site safety factors for control and management, also in two aspects to do a comprehensive security technology discussion. 

    Through the above discussion, the paper reached the highway tunnel construction site safety technology facilitates the control of tunnel construction" objects" unsafe state of a person not safely occur, to prevent or reduce safety accidents and objective, on the highway tunnel construction safety has important guiding significance. 

Keywords: tunnel construction;hazards;protection technology;safety management




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:要减少或防止公路隧道施工现场作业安全事故的发生,首先要重视物的不安全状态与人的不安全行为对安全事故的影响,熟悉隧道施工中塌方等灾害事故的发生机理,然后要估计、分析......
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