
资料分类:工程技术 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-21
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关键词:二级公路 设计过程 设计成果


ABSTRACT:The topic of this graduation design is Yantai Penglai national highway two highway design, the design speed of 60km/h. The purpose of the design is to build a "safe, comfortable, economy" of the road, and in strict accordance with the relevant national standards for design. Road design mainly includes the selection of road routes, graphic design, longitudinal design, cross-sectional design, pavement structure design, subgrade drainage design. Design achievements include the route plan, route profile, roadbed, subgrade cross-section (pavement) structure, technical and economic index table, straight road corner table, table, Subgrade Earthwork subgrade design table, the subgrade engineering quantity list.    Through this design, I also found some problems, such as when the road line selection, the circular curve radius setting does not meet the requirements, through the graduation design of two months, is my theoretical knowledge has been consolidated, and lay the foundation for future work.

Keywords: highway of grade 2 ;design process; design results.


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:通过本次设计我也发现了一些问题,比如在进行道路选线的时候,在进行圆曲线半径的设定的时候不符合要求,通过两个月的毕业设计,是我的理论知识得到了巩固,为今后的工作奠定了基础。......
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