
资料分类:工程技术 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-05
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  设计内容包括: 空调负荷的计算;空调系统的划分与系统方案的确定;送风状态及送风量的确定;冷源的选择;空调末端处理设备的选型;风系统的设计与计算;室内送风方式与气流组织形式的设计及校核;水系统的设计及计算;风管系统与水管系统保温层和防腐设计;消声防振设计等内容。



Abstract:Now, with the gradual growth of our economy, people's living conditions in the comfort of the living environment have become increasingly demanding, and growing demand for central air conditioning, central air conditioning energy efficiency, comfort, health, more attention. According to Nanjing and the current status of energy use, economic development, from the perspective of energy-saving design, providing people with a comfortable, safe and healthy working environment。

   This design is the air conditioning in a complex building in Nanjing engineering design, the building a total of six. Under a layer of clear height of 3.0 meters within the ceiling, second floor room under the room ceiling clear height of 3.0 meters, under the corridor ceiling clear height of 2.8 meters, three to five corridors clear height of 2.6 meters under the ceiling, six multi-function Chamber under the clear height of 2.8 meters ceiling, ceiling heat transfer coefficient 0.9kcal/m2h ℃.

   According to the principle of rational use of energy, local conditions, the feasibility of various options in the comparison, select a technology, reliable, economical, easy management of the design. Finalize the program: a large space with full air conditioning system back to the wind, a small space by fan coil plus fresh air system, this building uses screw chiller for cooling.

   Design elements include: air conditioning load calculation; air conditioning systems and system solutions division to determine; air condition and determine the amount of air; cold source selection; air terminal handling equipment selection; air system design and calculation; room delivery Air way air distribution design and verification forms; water system design and calculations; air duct system and water system insulation and corrosion protection design; Noise vibration design content.

Keywords: Office building; central air conditioning system; fan coil plus fresh air system

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:本栋建筑是一幢六层高的综合楼,地处江苏省南京市。南京地处我国长江下游地区,属于北亚热带季风气候区,四季分明,夏热冬冷,春秋短暂,雨量集中,历年平均气温15.3℃,主导风......
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