
资料分类:工程技术 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-19
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关键词 给水系统;消防系统;排水系统;雨水系统


Abstract:This project is the water-supply and drainage engineering of wuxi in Jiangsu.It includes the design of Water supply-system、fire water-supply system、sewerage system and rain water system.

   The interior water-supply system adopt the way of  subregion,the -1~3rd floor is the low district,the source is the municipal water-supply net-work.The4~15rd floor is the high district .

   The fire water-supply system adopt temporary high-pressure system.

   The hot water-supply system district is consistent with cold water-supply system,The water heaters are established in underground.

   The sewerage system uses the sewage and the waste water separate-sewage system,the  waste sewage to disperse into the municipal drainage pipe network directly.The sanitary sewage disperses into the municipal drainage pipe network after disposed in the septic tank.

   The rain water system adopt the union drainage system of outdoor system.

    Hot water system for the building near a heat source gauge pressure of 0.20MPa steam heat. Semi-displacement type water heater heater. Water pipe using three polypropylene tube (PP-R) pipes, drainage pipes using PVC pipe (UPVC), fire pipe use steel pipe, hot water pipe use cross-linked polyethylene (PEX).

Keywords  Water supply-system   fire water-supply system   sewerage system     rain water system

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:工废水排水系统:用来排除工艺生活过程中的污(废水)。由于工业生产门类繁多,污废水性质极其复杂,因此又可按其遭受污染程度分为生产废水和生产污水两种,前者仅受轻度污染......
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