
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-23
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关键词  冶金渣  燃煤  固硫  可行性


ABSTRACT:Blast furnace slag, steel slag is waste iron and steel industry. According to experts, the current blast furnace slag in China annual yield at 1 tons, the utilization rate of steel slag is about 70%~85%, the annual production of about 57000000 tons, the average utilization rate was only 25%. As of 2006, the accumulated amount of our country has more than 1 tonnes of steel slag. Accumulation of two kinds of waste not only take up a lot of land resources, but also pollute the environment seriously. In order to improve the utilization of waste and recycling value, in recent years, domestic production enterprises paid great attention to waste recycling technology research, and actively explore the use of a large quantity, high added value of the residue with new ways to promote the coordinated development of economy, society and environment.

   In this paper, by type of metallurgical solid wastes and coal sulphur-fixing agent in nature, shows that the metallurgical solid waste treatment and utilization is necessary. Therefore this paper on the mechanism of calcium based traditional sulfur fixation agent properties and desulfurization process in coal combustion process analysis, puts forward a kind of new metallurgical slag containing sulfur agent. The results show that, the metallurgical slag can be economically and effectively during coal combustion sulfur fixing agent.

Keyword:Metallurgical slag  ;fire coal;The solid sulfur;practicability


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本课题通过对冶金固体废弃物和燃煤固硫剂的种类、性质的介绍,表明将冶金固体废弃物处理利用是有必要的。所以本文对煤燃烧过程中传统的钙基固硫剂性质及脱硫过程机理进行综合......
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