
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-23
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关键词:破碎筛分 堆积密度 碱性熔剂


ABSTRACT:The sintering machine auxiliary material (flux) transformation of crushing, screening system technology can save the investment, utilization of resources, technical solutions to meet production and made, and the feasibility of the technique on various study.

    Limestone, dolomite, source of serpentine and lime or lime, year of supply, transport distance and transport. The average chemical composition, the flux of particle size, moisture content. Burning and bulk density.

    Flux is slagging material of blast furnace smelting process. By their nature can be divided into alkaline, neutral and acidic flux flux flux three. The gangue of iron ore in China the most mainly to SiO2, so we usually use basic flux containing CaO and MgO. Adding flux in sintering production, not only can improve the sintering process, sintering, improve sinter quality, quality, but also to provide self-fluxing sinter blast furnace and high alkalinity. High melting point and gangue flux in the ore can generate lower melting temperature is easy to melt; the slag can cause a certain amount and some physical and chemical properties, to remove harmful impurities (such as the purpose of desulphurization). 

Keywords: crushing and screening;  Packing density;  basic flux


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:熔剂是高炉冶炼过程中的造渣物质。按其性质可分为碱性熔剂、中性熔剂和酸性熔剂三类。由于我国铁矿石的脉石成分绝大多数以SiO2为主,所以通常采用含有CaO和MgO的碱性熔剂。在烧结......
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