
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-04
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摘  要:近年来,由于温室气体的大量排放,其相应的温室效应带来的全球变暖对许多地区的自然生态系统产生了巨大的影响。全球气候变暖是人类面临的重大挑战,其带来的危害包括海平面上升、极端天气频繁发生等,进而会带来一系列的政治、经济、军事冲突。温室气体减排已演变成为涉及计量的全球性政治博弈,成为气候与环境领域国际谈判的焦点。实质性的推进全球温室气体减排行动必须有计量的支撑,计量能力建设支持非常重要。





Abstract: In recent years, due to greenhouse gas emissions of the greenhouse effect, the corresponding result of global warming to many areas of natural ecological system has had a huge impact. Global warming is the challenges facing humanity, its brought harm including rising sea levels, extreme weather occurred frequently, which will bring about a series of political, economic and military conflict. Greenhouse gas emissions has evolved into the global political game involving measurement, become climate and environment field the focus of international negotiations. Substantial promoting global greenhouse gas emission action must have measurement support, measuring ability construction support is very important.

 As the main greenhouse gas, CO2 has obtained the world's attention, but at present the CO2 emissions of cement industry hasn't pay enough attention, in the cement industry research and the promotion of CO2 emission reduction technology is a long-term and arduous work. Construction of the cement industry into the ecological environment material type industry has become the international cement industry only way of sustainable development, from the Angle of materials and engineering, optimizing the present cement industry production technology, design and produce low environment load efficient clinker, and the great limit use of industrial waste residue as functional regulation materials production low environmental duty high performance cement is solving the problem of China's cement industry CO2 emissions and important effective technical way.

 This topic contents include: a greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, our greenhouse gas emissions relationship status quo, CCS technology and greenhouse gas metering importance; Overview international prevailing greenhouse gas measurement method, grasps the cement production enterprise process, analysis, to determine the source of greenhouse gases each link greenhouse gas measurement methods; Through the greenhouse gas emissions, targeted proposed calculation of cement enterprise greenhouse gas emission reduction measures.

Keywords:Greenhouse gas emissons, Cement production, Greenhouse gas measurement

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:按照气候模拟试验的结果,二氧化碳加倍以后,甚至可能造成热带扩展,副热带、暖热带和寒带缩小,寒温带略有增加,草原和荒漠的面积增加,森林面积减少等问题......
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