
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:我爱小小 更新时间:2013-05-31
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Abstact:In the thesis, a series of inorganic-organic hybrids have been prepared byintercalation of metal complexes of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrins (MTPPS, M=Co, Fe, Mn) and deuteroporphyrins (DP) into layered double hydroxides (LDHs) by coprecipitation method. The resulting materials were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, UV-Vis and FTIR spectroscopies showing the intercalation of porphyrins between the LDHs layers. The effects of reaction condtions on the synthesized materials have also been studied.  In the preparation of MTPPS-M2+/M3+-LDHs, the reaction pH, the kinds and ratio of M2+/M3+  and the complexed metals in the center of porphyrins have important influence on the structure of the materials, while in the DP-M2+/M3+-LDHs, the reaction condtions have less influence.

Key words:Metalloporphyrin; Hydrotalcite-like compounds; Intercalation


上传会员 我爱小小 对本文的描述:研究结果表明:采用共沉淀法可以实现两类卟啉化合物与类水滑石的插层组装。合成MTPPS-M2+/M3+-LDHs体系的pH值,M2+/M3+的种类及比值,MTPPS中心的金属离子种类等都对材料的结构具有重要影......
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