
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-26
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Abstract:With microelectronics technology is widely used in control system of the car,Electronic system is more and more important among car assembly.The trend make automotive generating system need higher performance.Nowadays the generating system that is the most widely used in automobile mainly consists of AC generators、 silicon rectifier and voltage regulator.As a reliable generating system,it requests the three components need high reliability.Voltage regulator is the component of the hart of automotive generating system.The reliability of automotive electronic system is based on the excellent voltage generator.

Based on the analysis of some electronic regulator, the article raises the protection function of electronic regulator, which makes the automotive generating system more reliable and safer.This paper analyses the working principle of the electronic regulator and the circuit structure in detail,and design each function modules, including the voltage sampling circuit, voltage regulation circuit, protection circuit, feedback circuit and regulation circuit. The paper also designed detection circuit and shell of the electronic voltage regulator.

Keywords: Electronic voltage regulator, Regulate transistor, Adjustable voltage regulation source


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:通过一些电子调压器的分析,提出了具有保护功能的电子调压器,这使汽车的发电系统更可靠,更安全的工作。文中详细分析了电子调压器的工作原理和电路结构,分块设计了各个功能......
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