
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-10
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Abstract:This paper mainly studies the modified effect of the different glass fiber content (30%、32%、34%、36%、38%) and different flexibilizers on polybutylene terephthalate(PBT). Through the universal electronic tensile machine we respectively studied and compared the effect of different glass fiber content and different flexibilizers on PBT / GF composites mechanical properties. From the effect of different glass fiber content on the mechanical properties of PBT / GF composites, we found, with the glass fiber content increasing, the mechanical properties of properties of the composites improved gradually. This was because glass fiber itself had good mechanical properties, and its polarity coated by the organic coupling agent was similar with PBT matrix resin, making the interface of glass fiber and PBT better performance, the mechanical properties of PBT / GF composites after organic treatment would be improved. From the effect of different kinds of flexibilizers on the mechanical properties of PBT / GF composites, with the same content of glass fiber, comparing with other flexibilizers, PC made the best effect on the mechanical properties of composite materials. From the above results, it is suggested that the optimum mechanical properties of the fiber-reinforced polymer composite can be achieved by varying the content of glass fiber and the kinds of flexibilizers and the content of the flexibilizer. 

Key words: poly(butylene terephthalate);glass fiber; polymer composite; modified ; mechanical property; flexibilizere water modification;photo initiator;Grafting degree;Water contact angle.


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:上述结果表明玻纤增强聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯复合材料的最佳机械性能可以通过改变玻纤含量和增韧剂种类以及增韧剂的含量得到。......
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