
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-02
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关键词:快速消费品 营销渠道 营销策略 可口可乐


ABSTRACT:With the development of China's economy, the fast-moving consumer goods industry is developing rapidly. The beverage industry as a member of the FMCG industry is developing very fast. Beverage industry increasingly fierce competition in the market, but the channel expansion is one of the main ways of beverage enterprises to maintain competitive advantage. So-called "the channel gets the world", which requires to channel construction work.

   Both the Pepsi "loyal partners", or the "Kangshifu pathway precision" mode, that is the nature of competition in beverage industry channel. Chongqing for Coca Cola, only firmly grasp the channels and terminal, and has the power and control the right of discourse in the channel, in order to obtain a favorable position in the fierce competition in the market.

   This paper mainly from the channel of the entire beverage industry analysis, analysis, SWOT analysis, Chongqing Chongqing coca cola coca cola marketing channel current situation of marketing channel of Chongqing Coca Cola, aiming at the problems of marketing channel of Chongqing Coca Cola question reason analysis and Coca Cola Chongqing marketing channel improvement suggestion for seven plate write channel content. Through the above analysis of the channels, to provide a better reference for the development of Chongqing after the Coca cola.

Keywords:Fast moving consumer goods ;Marketing channel;Marketing strategy;Coca Cola 







上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本课题的目的主要是可口可乐在碳酸饮料领域长期处于领先地位,但日益激烈的市场竞争迫使其必须对目前的经营管理方式不断改革和创新,本文希望通过可口可乐重庆公司目前的营销......
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