
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-08
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Abstract:Since reform and opening, China's national clothing industry has entered a period of rapid development, now many foreign brands is embezzling China's huge clothing market, the domestic clothing enterprises had been on the alert, and gradually began to implement their own brand strategy, and achieved a certain effect. HAILAN group show itself talented in the fierce mens clothing market and become a big brand in the domestic industry , the key is to adhere to study the competitive strategy of clothing enterprises and followed those big international brand's marketing strategies, and applied them to itself up. 

   This paper is based on the Michael Porter's competitive strategy theory, in HAILAN group as an example, research on the enterprise competition strategy from the view of theory and practice. we have used literature method, survey method and interview method. First, in this paper, based on the research of competitive strategy theory, summarizes the domestic and international research status, defines the related category of HAILAN group's competitive strategy. Second, taking the menswear industry as a backdrop, this paper analyses the entire Hailan's external competitive environment and uses five forces model to analyses the competitive structure of the industry. Then,this paper analyses Hailan's internal environment step by step , such as company profiles, internal resources, product positioning, and the advantages and disadvantages and so on. Finally, summing up successful competitive strategies what used by HAILAN . 

Keywords: Mens Clothing; Five Forces Model; Competitive Strategy

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:近几年,中国男装市场一直在平稳增长,其中休闲装、职业装及配饰的发展势头较快。近十年的统计数据表明,男装企业的销售额以每年百分之十八的增速上涨,我们可以乐观的预测一......
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