
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-08
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Abstract:Accompanied by the continuous development of China's economy, staff turnover has become a common phenomenon. Employees change jobs frequently will not only make the brain drain, hinder the development of enterprises, but also affect the corporate image and corporate culture, or even seriously affect the operation of the business. A clear understanding of the reasons for staff leaving to take effective measures to prevent employee turnover, play a crucial role in the development of enterprises.With the recovery of the world economy, China's labor market more competitive. 90 job-hopping phenomenon happen often, but has also been paid more attention. This paper analyzes the reasons for this phenomenon, and how anti-quit.In recent years, college graduates change jobs frequently increasingly common phenomenon, which not only cause a significant impact on employers, but also a direct result of one of the reason for the difficulty of the employment of college graduates. This article from the employee's own aspects and business management analysis of employees change jobs frequently causes and the corresponding countermeasures.

Keywords: business; employees; exit; reasons; countermeasures

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:本文一方面通过对所搜集的文献资料进行整理,另一方面进行实际调研,运用大学所学的管理学、人力资源管理、市场营销学、区域经济学,战略管理以及质量管理等专业理论知识,认......
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