
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-08
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Abstract:With the reform and opening up, China's economy is growing rapidly, consumers' incomes have continued to grow and the demand for food is rising .However,China's current food safety issues is really worrying,Such as poisonous rice,waste oil and so on . Therefore, how to use and changing consumer lifestyles to enhance the consumer's own food safety risk perception has become the focus of my paper . 

   Therefore, guiding consumers to improve their food safety risk perception is crucial. However, from the consumer's point of view, to study the lifestyle of consumer perception of food safety risks affect very few. Difficult for consumers to change through effective manner in order to enhance their food safety risk perception. Therefore, how to use and changing consumer lifestyles to enhance the consumer's own risk perception of food safety has become the focus of my research for this thesis.

Keywords: Life style ; Consumer ; Food safety ; Perceived risk

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:我们迫切需要从消费者的角度出发,寻求有效地方法,通过影响消费者的风险感知来减少食品安全问题。因此,研究生活方式对消费者食品安全风险感知影响这个课题是十分具有开创性......
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