
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-02
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关键词:品牌 品牌营销 品牌营销策略 巴渝红大饭店


ABSTRACT:The catering industry is closely related to people's life. Since reform and opening up, with the rapid development of economy and the improvement of people's living standards, China's catering industry keep high speed development, catering enterprises in recent years, the annual growth rate is more than 17%. Despite China's catering industry small achievement, but China's catering sector failed to form keep pace with the international famous dining brand brand. Increasingly fierce competition in catering industry, catering industry has stepped into small profit era, catering enterprises want to long-term development, must rapidly the formation of the enterprise's own brand.

    Then the main content of this thesis is: first is by understanding this paper research the food and beverage industry background, the purpose and significance of this research as a prerequisite of this thesis research. Next is the basic knowledge of brand marketing strategy, such as brand marketing concepts and types of knowledge, and then for the research of rivers, red hotel, on the red hotel environment SWOT analysis, and then there are the red hotel of brand marketing strategy, which aspects of the problems, to how to solve these problems, this is key part of this thesis research. Brand is more and more popular with the enterprise,so the paper on the rivers, the red hotel brand marketing strategy research should not only create brands, and brand extension, let ba-yu red hotel can leave behind a in ba-yu culture.

Keywords: brand;brand marketing;brand marketing strategies;red hotel






上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:是本次论文课题研究的重点部分。品牌越来越受企业的青睐,那么本次论文对巴渝红大饭店的品牌营销策略的研究不仅要让巴渝红大饭店创立企业品牌,让巴渝红大饭店能够在巴渝文化......
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