
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-04
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ABSTRACT:With the changing times, the rapid development of the economy, the market inevitably increasing number of product homogeneity, consumers in the face of a number of smilar products will gradually buy the basis set for the brand. Competition among enterprises has also been the development of competition in the product brand, which brand loyalty in marketing increasingly prominent.

   Most of the contempopary college students between 18 to 25 years of age, has a huge spending power, their brand awareness, sense of individuality in the fierce market competition, the gradual strengthening of the available funds in the possession of a clear upward trend, so this kind of consumer groups are gradually guide the apparel consumer market in China. Wuxi, located in the economically developed Yangte River Delta region, not only has the majority of consumer groups, while both the majority of the consumer market, the college students consumer apparel brand loyalty influencing factors undoubtedly has important practical guidance in corporate marketing strategy significance.

   In this thesis, students in Jiangnan University, Wuxi, as a sample, through the main use of the method of the survey, combined with interviews with AC minorities based on using SPSS software to analyze the impact of students consumers clothing brand loyalty factors, the form of mathematical chart to show the relationship between the various factors, combined with the phenomenon of contempopary garment enterprises the relevant recommendations of brand loyalty marketing tool for the analysis concluded.

Keywords: brand loyalty degree; college students; garment enterprises; influencing factors


上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本论文以XX大学的学生为样本,主要运用问卷调查的方法,再结合对少数人群的访谈式交流为依据,采用SPSS软件来分析影响大学生消费者对服装品牌忠诚度的几点主要因素,运用数学图......
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