
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-08
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关键词: 物流 落实  国八条  物流运输企业


ABSTRACT:As the world trend of increasing economic globalization, a unified and open global market system has been formed, Logistics industry has become one of the world's most popular industry. Not only that he to the social economic life is playing an increasingly important role. Government departments pay more and more attention to logistics industry, so the “eight national logistics policies” is in this case issued. His published in logistics industry reacted strongly, its implementation is also very interesting.

   This article through the analysis of “eight national logistics policies” policy, to understand the importance of policies for logistics enterprises, so more attention to the implementation of security policy. Policy implementation is very important so through different channels to collect to the logistics enterprises in the implementation of some of the problems in the process, by collating the paper puts forward several problems, Suggestions are put forward according to the problem at last. This paper by influencing the prominent problems, focusing on illustrate the importance of policy implementation, and puts forward Suggestions to improve local government by attention. 

Keywords:logistics; Implement ;eight national logistics policies; logistics and transport companies


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:本文通过对“国八条”政策的分析,了解到政策对物流运输企业的重要性,所以更加的关注政策的落实情况。政策落实情况十分重要所以通过不同渠道收集到物流运输企业在这个落实过......
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