
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-08
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关键字:绿色物流 体系构建 发展对策 运作模式


ABSTRACT:Under the circumstances that our modern society enteres a high-paced world, while our ecological environment has been deteriorated rapidly day by day, how to maximize effiency of resources distribution becomes the focus around the world. Domestic logistics has been keeping developing in the opposite direction for years, and caused series of problems like natural environment deterioration and resources waste remains at a high ratio.The most popular perspective of how to establish a well-developed logistics operation system is "Green Logistics".The idea of "Green Logistics" has been commonly accepted because it is friendly to our precious ecological environment. The practical organization that is needed to make a complicated plan successful when a lot of people and equipment is involved, as well as our ecological environment is involved. 

    As part of the economic development, logistics system need to have a fresh eye on the plan, without blinkers. There is a growing trend in the 21st century that encourage us to improve the original logistics management along with the relationship between the people and nature. This essay is about to analyze the foundation principles and origin of the "Green Logistics", as well as the current situation of its development. In order to illustrate those factors that will affect the sustainable development we will encountered in the future in details.  

Key words: Green Logistics; System establishment; Development blueprint;Operation pattern


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:绿色物流逐渐成为物流业一个崭新的发展趋势,物流业推动了物资流通,且具有不可替代的作用。本文将分别从绿色物流基本概念和起因的分析,以及绿色物流发展现状,绿色物流发展......
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