
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-08
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关键词:销售物流 电子商务企业 合理化


ABSTRACT:Distribution logistics from concept is base on the enterprise production and management of the logistics activity, it mainly occurs in the enterprise of products from the production line to product into the hands of the end user of the process. In the entire logistics process, and contains the product packaging, warehousing, transportation and distribution, loading and unloading, handling, distribution processing and a series of logistics activities.

      In many industries, on the other hand, e-commerce industry is one of the industry development in full swing in recent years, while most of the e-commerce industry is unable to store, this makes they must rely on the logistics industry to ensure their normal sales and operation.

     This paper focus on the present largest e-commerce industry contact distribution logistics, choose one enterprises, distribution logistics present situation of it, and it is currently on the market of SWOT analysis, and combining two of the same type with it the status quo of domestic and foreign well-known e-commerce companies, sales logistics development present situation at home and abroad were analyzed, and finally summed up the one enterprises the existing problems in distribution logistics, put forward by establishing a perfect return system; Improve internal understanding of distribution logistics, to standardize the department function, strengthen the communication department; Optimizing the logistics links, reduce logistics cost; Combined with logistics management plan in all cases; To strengthen the construction of self-run logistics, improvement methods such as selective use of outsourcing.

Key words: e-commerce sales;logistics company;rationalization


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:本文着眼于当下与销售物流联系最大的电子商务行业,选择某企业,对它的销售物流现状以及它目前在市场上的SWOT分析,同时结合与它同类型的两家国内和国外知名电子商务企业的现状......
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