
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-04
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关键词:美国医疗体制改革  中国医疗体制改革   比较性


ABSTRACT:In 2012, two world powers China and the United States for the country's medical and health reform, this year has special significance for both countries is crucial year. For the United States, the Obama administration's health care reform bill is faced with many difficulties, the overall current social conditions are introduced the medical reform for the Obama administration proposed the challenge.

   First of all, this article is the content of the arrangement by the Obama administration in 2012 to the United States on the reform of the health care system is introduced and analyzed. Secondly, in view of the comparison and analysis of two rounds of medical reform in China. Finally, for the health reform success experience to understand to find the significance of China's medical reform so as to analyze the reasons of the differences.

Keywords:  The U.S. health care system reform   Medical system reform in China  Relativity



上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:本文的内容安排是通过对美国奥巴马政府2012年对美国医疗体制进行的改革进行介绍和分析。然后,针对中国两轮医疗改革的进行比较和分析。最后,对于美国医疗改革成功的经验的了解......
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