
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-04
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关键词:职业倾向测试 大学生求职 人职匹配理论


ABSTRACT:Vocational Aptitude Test has been widely applied to human resource development around the world nowadays. The study of this topic would make a contribution to a better knowledge and understanding of Vocational Aptitude Test, and the use of working life. And let company and job seekers do more efficient work. The research combined Vocational Aptitude Test and the hot social issues of college students seeking jobs, aimed at finding the feasibility of using Vocational Aptitude Test in college students seeking jobs. By reference to Vocational Aptitude Test theories, Elaborate the necessity of Vocational Aptitude Test in college students seeking jobs. The study using a combination of literature analysis, interviews and other research methods. The contents of the study include: The history and present state of Vocational Aptitude Test; Person level match Theory; the misunderstanding on college students seeking jobs and career match; combination of Vocational Aptitude Test and university students seeking jobs guide and related system.

Keywords: Vocational Aptitude Test; University students seeking jobs; People -job matching theory




上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:通过回顾职业倾向测试理论,阐述大学生求职中进行职业倾向测试、人职匹配的必要性及其措施。本研究综合采用文献分析法、访谈法等研究方法。该研究的内容包括:职业倾向测验发......
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