
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-10
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关键词:薪酬 内部公平性 职位评估


ABSTRACT:In this paper, through case studies of a manufacturing company job valuation, compensation management to achieve fairness in the application from the application of theory to practice. Valuation jobs in human resources management across the enterprise are widely used, good job value assessment not only allows businesses to benefit, but also which helps human resource management in their daily work. In this paper, the real business case, reproducibility pay equity issues in the enterprise functions and impact, while explaining how to assess the value achieved through post pay equity. Mainly about the meaning of job value assessment, job evaluation methods, job evaluation of the specific operational processes, but also the specific job evaluation reproduces the real operation, to achieve the dual combination of theory and practice. 

Keywords:Salary;Internal equity;Position Assess




上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文通过真实企业案例,再现薪酬公平性问题在企业中的功能与影响,同时讲解了如何通过职位价值评估来实现薪酬的公平性。主要讲述了职位价值评估的含义、职位评价的方法、职位......
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