
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-14
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关键词 房地产企业;经营危机;防范体系;危机成因;预防控制


Abstract: According to real estate development enterprise's own characteristics, and the current development status of the relevant circumstances, the use of crisis prevention theory to clarify the significance of studying, analyzing domestic and foreign real estate development enterprises in the research status of the crisis early warning that the current crisis in the real estate development enterprises research is still in the early days.

    Through the real estate development enterprises in Jiangsu Dehui management crisis analysis. By studying the current development of the real estate development enterprises, as well as the main problems facing for Dehui real estate development enterprises to establish a crisis prevention system provides an important theoretical basis. Also describes the crisis in real estate development business connotation, analyze the reasons for the crisis Dehui business and type of proposed business crisis prevention measures. And through analysis of business causes of the crisis, crisis prevention system proposed objectives, modalities, principles, processes, and prevention and control mechanism construction. China's real estate development enterprises to seek solutions to the crisis and means to provide risk-averse, the ability to deal with the crisis and is committed to building real estate development enterprise risk prediction.

Keywords  realestate companies  business crisis  prevention system  prevention and   control






上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:分析德惠企业经营危机的原因和种类,提出了企业经营危机的防范措施。又通过分析企业经营危机的成因,提出了危机防范体系目标、模式、原则、流程以及预防控制机制的构建。努力......
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