
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-14
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关键词 住宅小区;物业服务;业主满意度


Abstract:In recent years, the property management industry develop rapidly, than some questions followed these years. The main question is that owners are not very satisfied with the property management, property company often occur contradiction with owners Therefore, to build a customer satisfaction evaluation system, to help Property Management Company the right to evaluate and improve the property management work, and effectively improve the owners satisfaction, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, is one of the most important long-term research.

   By introducing the theory of customer satisfaction in the property management, the establishment of a evaluation system for the owners satisfaction in property management are discussed, and the use of the empirical analysis, this paper selects the azure homes residential area property management as the research object, based on the basic concepts and related theories of customer satisfaction methods, combined with the service contents and characteristics of the residential property management, the establishment of the owners satisfaction evaluation system, puts forward strategies to improve the property management to weilanzhidu owners satisfaction, making batter the property management, improving the property management level and quality alse.

Keywords  residencetial district  property management  owners satisfaction







上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:通过在物业服务中引入顾客满意度理论,在物业管理中建立一个业主满意度评价体系进行探讨,并运用其进行实证分析,本文选取蔚蓝之都家园居住小区的物业管理为研究对象,在阐述......
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