
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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ABSTRACT:Analysis and prediction of the renminbi to us dollar exchange rate fluctuations and trends has important significance in financial research. In this paper, through the collection and analysis of 2010 to 2012, the yuan against the dollar, the quarterly data of monthly data, weekly data, and using the autocorrelation coefficient, partial correlation coefficient test Markov property of their. As predicted by Markov chain prediction model, The results found: Quaternary rate forecast, monthly rate forecast, week rate forecast with increase of the number of samples, exchange closing price prediction value fluctuation smaller. With the increase of the number of samples, to transfer step stable value increasingly large numbers. With the passage of time, the renminbi to us dollar exchange rate closing price will fall into the first state interval with a great probability.

Key words: Markov property test; Markov prediction model; RMB exchange rate; Transition matrix

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:本文要研究的是通过收集季汇率数据、月汇率数据、周汇率数据并对它们的未来值将落入哪段区间所做的预测,通过季汇率预测值、月汇率预测值、周汇率预测值,简单的分析与比较它......
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