
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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关键词:财务风险; 成因; 风险控制; 对策


ABSTRACT:Financial risk is a very important concept in financial management. Appear in the financing, investment, capital operation and revenue management and other key aspects. The basic purpose of enterprise financial management is maximizing profit per share. And how to do optimize the balance between income and risk is facing the enterprise principle problem. Enterprises as an important part in the development of the market economy, will always faces many financial risks, these are difficult to predict and control the risks might be interested in the company's financial revenue impact and loss.

    The enterprises of our country are entering the market economy on track, competition among enterprises as more and more intense. In this process, facing more complex and diverse influencing factors. Some changes have taken place in the internal and external environment, the consequent financial risk of enterprises is an urgent need to solve the problem. When the enterprise gradually realize the crisis of survival, Countermeasures to prevent control of financial risk also receive attention, Analysis of risk factors, put forward control measures to prevent is the enterprise needs to consider the problem in our country.

   Firstly , this paper describes the meaning and characteristics of enterprise financial risk,division of financial risk type. Then through the analysis of the meaning of the various types of risk, impact, and its manifestations further understanding of the financial risk,and analysis for the different types of risk factors that may trigger. The last,on this basis of the corresponding types of financial risk initiatives and control measures,make the enterprise can timely and effectively control risk ,reduce the risk to the enterprise can withstand the range,Increase the value of the enterprise,make the enterprise operation of healthy development.

Keywords: Financial risk;Causes;Risk control;Countermeasure

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:首先,介绍我国财务风险的基本理论,从其定义和特征进行概述,并结合企业在营运的各个环节中可能出现的风险状况,对财务风险的类型进行细分;其次,分别从企业的内部和外部环......
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