
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-20
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关键词:物流成本管理  成本控  核算方法  物流外包


Abstract: Hui long port master only pay a small part of logistics cost to outside, but cannot master the enterprise interior occurs the main logistics cost. In addition, Hui long port logistics, there are facilities behind, logistics standardization, Information degree is low; Logistics management, backward level, and many other problems. Accounting method is not reasonable cause and Hui long port of the enterprise logistics cost is high. Huey long port enterprises to strengthen the management of logistics cost, improve the understanding of logistics management, establish the new idea. At the same time, the establishment of logistics cost accounting system and logistics information system and logistics organizational structure, through the way of logistics outsourcing to reduce enterprise logistics cost.

Keywords: logistics cost management ; cost control ; accounting methods ; Logistics Outsourcing

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:一、成本能真实地反映物流活动的实态;用成本去管理物流活动,物流活动的差别将会以成本的差别明显体现出来。二、成本是评价所有活动的共同标准。利用成本来评价各种物流活动......
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