
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-20
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摘要:本文通过介绍了国内外手机回收逆向物流的情况,及逆向物流形成的原因和必要性,对江苏地区的废旧手机回收的逆向物流实施策略,改进方法,提出了一些个人的建议,通过借鉴国外成功的废旧手机回收模式经验, 建立江苏地区手机联合回收模式,可充分发挥各主体的职责。



Abstract: This paper introduces the domestic and foreign mobile phone recycling reverse logistics and reverse logistics, forming reasons and necessity, and the Jiangsu region of discarded mobile phone reverse logistics strategy, improving methods, put forward some personal suggestions, through drawing lessons from foreign successful experience of waste mobile phone recycling mode, establishes the Jiangsu area mobile phone union recycling model, can give full play to the functions of the subjects.

Keywords: Mobile phone recycling; reverse logistics; environmental protection

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:江苏地区的企业也积极探索和实践了某些方面的逆向物流,但它终归还只是刚刚起步,需要不断从别处获取经验。随着江苏地区废旧手机的数量的不断增加,手机回收逆向物流业务也处......
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