
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-25
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关键词:苏轼  人生经历  书法


Abstract: experience from Su Shi's life, ups and downs of this point of view, thecalligraphy and works to explore, study of Su Shi in the history of calligraphy of the role and status of. Su Shi with his high school talent, 100 letters and strike out a new line for oneself, said: "I made this book cannot be"; the cloud "new ideas, do not practice the ancients." Style of art. He writes, "that is my naivete",often letter stroke of a pen, excluding the workstation, the world of good, evil,hide, abandoned, he don't care.

Keywords:SuShi  Life experience  Calligraphy

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:苏轼在文学上,书法艺术上的造诣都属于想在政治抱负上有所作为,在任职上也忧国忧民。同时也不眷恋官位。书法艺术上更是已开始慢慢形成自己的风格,苏轼曾说:“婴儿生而导之......
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