
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-25
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关键词:物流流程  优化流程  企业竞争力


ABSTRACT: Logistics process throughout the entire enterprise, can effectively improve the industrial added value and the quality of economic growth. Through the optimization of the logistics process, can promote the logistics activities of small and medium-sized enterprises of the socialization and specialization level, thus greatly reduce the operation cost, this is the third profit source after reducing material consumption, improve labor productivity, is the important potential for increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises can be dug.

   In this paper, combined with the actual problems existing in the small and medium-sized enterprise logistics management, through the analysis of "HTY" company logistics process overall, and gradually to the logistics process, the research on logistics process step by step, continuously improved, the importance of logistics procedure optimization to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises is expounded from several aspects, in order to meet the challenge of new economic environment.

   The purpose of this paper is: hope that through the optimization of the logistics process, for small and medium-sized non logistics enterprises to tap their own potential, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises have some reference function to.

   Performance assessment is to show enterprise organization to established standards for basic, for its staff in work on the working behavior and work in the case of the collection, analysis, evaluation and feedback process.

Keywords:Logistics process;The optimization process;The competitiveness of enterprises

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:本论文以物流流程理论、流程优化的理论为依据,结合目前中小型非物流企业的物流流程的现状,对“HTY”公司的物流流程效率的优化进行了分析研究,目的是通过对该公司物流流程正......
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