
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-25
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关键词:配送方式  配送成本


ABSTRACT:In today's rapid social and economic development of the society, the development level of modern logistics industry has become a comprehensive economic strength of a country. So, for enterprise development, how to develop a set of practical logistics strategy, to seek effective measures to cope with the market competition is the key of the enterprise survival and development. This article through to mengniu group's logistics distribution, to the enterprise internal distribution patterns, distribution and delivery cost to conduct research and discussion, find out oneself think suitable ways and means. Paper first studied the mengniu group's logistics distribution present situation, discovered the problems existing in enterprise logistics distribution, and put forward their methods and ideas. 

Keywords:mode of distribution;distribution costs

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:众所周知,牛奶又是一种保存周期较短,易腐易变质的商品,这样一来,就需要物流配送的迅速和及时,从而促使物流配送业不断完善自我技术和管理,使得物流配送快速升温。加之,......
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