
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:绩效考评 员工满意度 企业发展


Abstract:Too much attention to the performance of many enterprises, the implementation of a strict performance evaluation system, ignoring the feelings of employees, resulting in business development has stagnated. Increasing employee satisfaction on the development of a business plays a vital role. Only in enterprise development and coordinate performance appraisal system and employee satisfaction in order to encourage enterprises to develop rapidly. Performance appraisal system affects employee satisfaction, and employee satisfaction, in turn, has a profound effect on performance. Articles from theory employee satisfaction and performance appraisal system starting in Beijing Bo Saide Technology Co., for example, analyze the relationship between the company's performance appraisal system and employee satisfaction and meaning between the two. By discovering the relationship between the current situation and the problems which exist on the Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Bo Saide employee satisfaction and performance evaluation from the perspective of both the macro and micro explore the fundamental reason is given for the problem solution for the enterprise managers to provide solutions and recommendations.... 

Key word:Performance evaluation   Employee satisfaction  Enterprise development

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:科技有限公司研究采用问卷调查法和文献研究法。调查问卷采取问卷的方式,对北京博赛德科技有限公司的员工进行抽样调查,以书面提出问题的方式搜集资料。将填好的问卷回收整理......
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