
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:产品创新战略 谷歌 技术驱动 市场战略


Abstract:Product innovation is the core content of enterprise technology innovation, is the new product successful use in the economic field, the product innovation strategy is divided into five aspects, respectively is a research and development strategy, technology strategy, market strategy, human resources strategy, financing strategy. This article emphatically from research and development and technology strategy, market strategy, human resources strategy from three aspects, for example on Google the company's product innovation strategy, and for this kind of product innovation strategy advantages and disadvantages are analyzed.

Key words: Product innovation strategy  Google  technology driven market strategy

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:谷歌公司是当今互联网领域创新精神的代表性企业,谷歌公司产品创新能力极强,产品线多样复杂,也由此谷歌公司在产品创新的过程中得以不断调整商业模式,不断提升自身的核心竞......
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