
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-01
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关键词:圆通快递公司 竞争力 SWOT


Abstract: With the economic globalization and constant improvement of China's economic environment , small and medium sized logistics enterprises in our country are also facing fierce competition in the market , therefore , the challenges they faced are becoming increasingly worse. It has become an urgent problem that how to improve the competitiveness of these logistics enterprises,so that they can survive and develop in the competition, account for more market shares ,and finally seek out their own path of development .In this thesis, Yuantong Express, for example, Through the analysis and research on competitiveness of Yuantong express company , finding some problems in the operation, many problems such as management ; low quality of staffs and so on. In addition to internal management , changes in the external environment , such as changes in the express industry policy , economic environment and related industries will also have an important influence on Yutong’s development. To solve these problems , we have some simple solutions, for example, the company should formulate a strict and effective management rules and regulations, tighten up the management, and strive to train excellent staffs , thus, the company can improve service level and enhance the reputation of the company. In addition ,it’s also important to strengthen the enterprise’s information management and the cooperation with the online retailers for the company’s future development. Hope that these strategies can enhance the competitiveness of Yuantong express company.

Key words:  Yutong express company  competitiveness  SWOT

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:目前,已有少数一部分民营快递企业发展得较快,较好。例如顺丰、全一、圆通等等。但多数的民营速递公司还是有规模小、管理散、能力弱等众多问题; 互信度和协调性差, 且以地区性快......
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