
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-11
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摘 要:土地是人类最重要的资源财富,随着社会的不断发展,使得人地之间的矛盾也越来越激化,特别是在经济发达地区。一方面土地资源相当紧缺,另一方面土地资源粗放利用,浪费相当严重,影响土地资源的可持续利用。本文以经济发达地区(苏南地区)城乡的土地利用情况和发展所面临的问题为类。分析该地区的自然,经济等特点,收集整理相关数据,并计算出各地的土地整理潜力,制定出合理适宜的居民点整理模式,并在此基础上提出了具体的整理措施。

关键字:居民点  土地整理   模式


Abstract: Land is the most important human resource wealth. With the development of social economy, the conflict between people and land being increasingly intensified, particularly in the  Developed Region. On the one hand very scarce land resources, on the other hand the extensive use of land resources, waste is very serious, affecting the sustainable use of land resources. In this paper, the economically developed regions (south Jiangsu) of urban and rural land use and development issues facing the class. Analysis of the region's natural, economic and other characteristics, and collect relevant data, and calculate the potential across the land consolidation to develop appropriate and reasonable settlement consolidation mode, and on this basis, the order put forward specific measures.

Key words:  residential area   land consolidation   mode

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:国外的农村居民点整理的实践和理论研究较早。例如德国土地整理起源最早,在1250年巴伐利亚州进行以地块合并为主的农村土地地整理活动。德国农村居民点整理的目标随社会经济发展......
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