
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:我爱我家 更新时间:2013-07-01
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A study about Zhejiang textile industry competitiveness research. Based on the perspective of the diamond model

Abstract: Through the ages, Zhejiang have been called the home of silk. The Zhejiang textile industry has long history. In 2000, Zhejiang province has become the nation's second largest textile production and export base. But in recent years, due to intense market competition,Zhejiang textile industry is facing a huge challenge. Based on the data of Zhejiang textile industry related research, analysis of his strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, based on the perspective of diamond model, to improve the competitiveness of his do empirical study. Through the analysis, the hope for the development of Zhejiang textile industry provides some feasible solutions.

Key words: textile, competitiveness, diamond model


上传会员 我爱我家 对本文的描述:浙江省纺织业面临着巨大的挑战。本文通过调研浙江纺织业的相关资料,基于钻石模型的视角对其进行SWOT分析,分析优势、劣势、机会、威胁,并提出浙江纺织业竞争力提升的对策建议......
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