
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-06
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关键词:促销 赠品营销 折价策略


Abstract:Among the many methods of automobile marketing, marketing gifts is respected by many companies and used methods. Marketing gifts is price stability in the enterprise based on the use of gifts to attract the attention of consumers, promote sales, increase sales role, and gift sales take on in the form of more and more,how marketing gifts do its best, it will solve it in this topic.

With rising oil prices, unbearable traffic congestion, coupled with the financial tsunami is just over, the world economy is in recovery, car sales have more and more problems than early, how better to convince consumers to buy the product, The problems for automobile manufacturers and dealers are huge challenges or opportunities. The auto marketing gifts to play better in auto sales marketing role, this topic will focus on gifts of marketing research.

Based on the Buick car gifts marketing strategy research to interview, the use of observation and the theory of marketing, summarized the theory of building foundation gifts, gifts with examples constructed The implementation of marketing systems and marketing into the sales of gifts.

This issue will also be compared with gifts marketing and the price cut marketing between pros and cons, a distinction, combined, make relevant recommendations, in order to better contribute to improve cars sales.

Keyword : sales promotion marketing gifts depreciate marketing


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:对别克汽车专卖店基于汽车赠品营销策略进行研究,采取访谈法的方式分析其实施中存在的问题,运用观察法和相关理论归纳出构建赠品营销的相关理论基础,结合实例构建赠品营销的......
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