
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-08
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Abstract:With the development of market economy, the private enterprise is becoming the main power to promote the economic development of China. But private enterprise new employee training work is in embryonic stage, there are still many problems, which are restricting factors to the further development of the private enterprise. New employees to help generate new ideas, new methods, has become the essential resource of China's private enterprise. But for new employees, who first joined the workplace may face many difficulties, if the enterprise can't help resolve the difficulties, which will cause brain drain. And it can make enterprise greater losses. How to carry out the effective new staff training, mining new employee the potential to become the focus of the development of private enterprise. This article through the new employees and new employee training theory research, analyzes the new staff of the ideological, attitude and new staff training methods, plan and error, etc, targeted solutions, main measures are to strengthen and new staff communication, understand the new employee training needs, establish and perfect the new employee training system and create a people-oriented enterprise culture and make the relevant rules and regulations, and in case of brain drain. 

Key words:Private enterprises; New employee; Training; Solution


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:新员工和新员工培训理论的研究,分析了新员工的思想、态度以及新员工培训的方法、计划和误区等,有针对性的提出解决方案,主要措施有加强与新员工的沟通,了解新员工的培训需......
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