
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-29
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Abstract:Human resource management has become the important part of modem enterprise management. Recruitment management is a subsystem of human resource management.Through recruiting, selection and other activities acquire the suitable employees.After an investigation about the recruitment of the enterprise,it is found that most enterprise have no standardized processes and scientific method to selection.As an important part of enterprise management, competency-position as the core of the position management can promote the enterprise innovation. It also can adapt to the change of the internal and external environment and development and keep the enterprise the dynamic balance of metabolism. In this paper, competency-position fit and its application in the selection of human resource are introduced more comprehensively. This application can improve enterprise recruitment scientific and reduce the blindness of recruitment. It becomes enterprise search to acquire valuable talents of the effective way. Firstly, it introduces the basic theoretical concepts of competence-position fit and general application steps about fit in the enterprise of the recruitment. Secondly, it introduces the actual situation of someone company and the cause of the problem.Specific application of the competency-position fit can identify and evaluate personnel selection method for enterprises to select and post match demand of talents. Finally, it states effectiveness analysis about the competency-position fit of the application. 

Key words: Competency-position fit;Enterprise recruitment;Application


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:首先对能岗匹配的相关理论及能岗匹配在企业招聘中的一般应用步骤进行了论述,接着分析了企业人才招聘存在的问题及原因,在能岗匹配的原则指导下,在企业人才招聘过程中,通过......
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