
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-29
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Abstract:With the rapid development of the socialist market economy, the talent competition has become an important factor restricting social development, and human resource management has become increasingly important role in business management. To do human resources management, you first have to learn how to properly and effectively deal well with the interpersonal communication. Effective interpersonal communication is not only able to create a warm and inviting work environment, but also to eliminate all conflicts and misunderstandings, regulating the activities of people's heart, improving people's interpersonal relationships, effective solutions to various problems and conflicts. So it does not only give companies bring more long-term and rapid development, but also allows employees to realize their self-worth. The human resources management in interpersonal problems is analyzed, and in terms of communication, communication skills, communication channel three aspects, proposes the upgrading of human resources management in interpersonal communication quality and countermeasures.

Keywords: Human resources; Communication; Communication skills; Channels of communication


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:有效的人际沟通不仅能够创建温馨怡人的工作环境,而且能够消除各种矛盾和误会,调节人们的心里活动,改善人们的人际关系,同时有效的解决各种问题和冲突。这样不仅能给企业带......
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