
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-29
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Abstract:Performance management is an integral part of the core of human resource management, to improve employee performance to achieve organizational goals of great significance. At present, many small and medium enterprises in China have adopted a performance management system to improve the performance of individuals and organizations, and then the effect is not achieved in practice. Due to various reasons, some SMEs have deviated from the original intention of performance management into a number of errors. Most small and medium-sized enterprises have the understanding of the concept of performance management, error, and not pay enough attention to the excessive fanaticism of the performance appraisal and performance feedback. Small and medium-sized enterprises should have a correct understanding of performance management purposes, to establish their own performance management systems, performance management, it is necessary to pay attention to the overall planning of the whole process, but also focus on the transformation of management philosophy, management tools optimized, so performance the implementation of the management of real help organizations achieve strategic objectives.

Keyword: Small and medium-sized enterprises; Performance management; Performance appraisal; Mistakes and Solutions


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:中小型企业应正确认识绩效管理的目的,建立适合自己的绩效管理系统,在实施绩效管理时,既要注意整个流程的整体规划,又要注重管理理念的转化,管理手段的优化,从而使绩效管......
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