
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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Abstract:Corporate brain drain is a major bottleneck which restricting the development of small and medium enterprises. But brain drain appears frequently in the enterprise. It caused the negative impact to the enterprise. Especially for the small and medium enterprises, brain drain brings a worse predicament. But the psychological contract is the determinants of employees' behavior and attitudes. The main reason of the corporate brain drain is the breaking of the psychological contract. Small and medium enterprises to overcome brain drain, it is necessary to avoid the missing, damaged of the psychological contract. Enterprises to avoid the breaking of the psychological contract, they should take appropriate measures in the recruitment, staff training, performance management, compensation management, and corporate culture and other human resource management implementation. This paper takes Asialand Bio-med Technology Co., Ltd as sample, analysis of the company's business background, the present situation of brain drain, the impact of brain drain on the company. And analysis of the reasons for the company's brain drain from the perspective of the psychological contract theory. In this paper, the psychological contract is used as a theoretical basis to analysis the reasons for the breaking of the psychological contract, on this basis, analysis of the construction and maintenance of the psychological contract in small and medium enterprises. By avoiding the destruction and breaking down of the psychological contract to explore effective ways to avoid brain drain.

Key words: Psychological contract theory; small and medium enterprises; brain drain




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:分析了公司的经营背景、人才流失现状、人才流失对公司造成的影响,并从心理契约的角度分析了公司人才流失的原因。本文以心理契约作为理论基础,分析了心理契约打破的原因,在......
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