
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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摘  要:随着我国经济的迅速发展、城市化进程的加快以及人民生活水平的不断提高,生活垃圾产生量也随之在不断地增加,合理的垃圾处置方法对综合利用垃圾中的有用物质,最终实现垃圾的无害化处理具有重要意义。本文根据宁海县生活垃圾产生量和成分以及垃圾处置实际运行状况,发现目前宁海县生活垃圾处置中存在的问题,通过层次分析法的计算,提出宁海县生活垃圾的处置最优方法。为宁海县今后生活垃圾处置方法的选择和决策提供理论参考依据。根据宁海县生活垃圾结构特点及层次分析法综合分析认为,宁海县生活垃圾的处置应采用堆肥+填埋方式。通过这样,可以最大限度地实现垃圾资源利用无害化处置,改善生态环境。

关键词:宁海县; 生活垃圾; 处置方法; 层次分析法


Abstract: With the rapid development of China's economy, the accelerated process of urbanization, as well as people's living standards continuously improve and the production of garbage will also continue to increase, garbage disposal methods useful substances in the comprehensive utilization of waste, and ultimately refuse harmless treatment of great significance. In this paper, according to the garbage volume and composition data of Ninghai, as well as waste disposal operating conditions, and then find the problems of the garbage disposal methods of Ninghai in the current, put forward the best garbage disposal methods through the Analytical Hierarchy Process. Providing a theoretical basis by choose and decide the garbage disposal methods of Ninghai. According to garbage structural features and analysis of Analytical Hierarchy Process analysis, the garbage disposal method of Ninghai should be used composting and landfilling,By doing this, you can maximize the spam resource utilization, decontamination and disposal, and improve the ecological environment.

Keywords: Ninghai; garbage; disposal methods; Analytical Hierarchy Process

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:目前,我国每年产生的城市生活垃圾量占全世界垃圾总量的27%,而年增长率为8%~11.5%,超过欧美6%~10%的增长速度,紧随美国之后排在第2位[7]。由我国历年的城市生活垃圾处理行......
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