
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-12
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摘  要:从江苏省常州市武进区、新北区、钟楼区以及天宁区4个不同区域的污染场地采集污染土壤表层样品A、B、C、D,通过在培养基中加入一定浓度的Cu(CuSO4 Cu2+2mmol·L-1),筛选得到3株具有很强Cu抗性的细菌ZH-1,ZH-2和ZH-3。对这些菌株生长特性和最低抑菌浓度对比进行分析,这三株菌的最低抑菌浓度分别为15、20和25 mmol/L。通过研究对这3种菌进行不同梯度浓度Cu环境中的生长规律,做出生长曲线,结果表明Cu在低浓度时对细菌生长几乎没什么影响,有的有轻微促进作用;随着Cu浓度变大,对细菌有抑制作用。通过原子吸收分光光度计测定在5 mmol/LCu浓度下细菌对Cu的吸附能力,结果表明在12~24h吸附量最大,pH都遵循先降低后升高的规律。由于这些菌株分离于重金属污染较为严重的土壤样品中,从而对环境中Cu污染的微生物修复有一定的利用价值。



Abstract:From Wujin District,Xinbei District, the Clock Tower District,Tianning District,  samples were collected 4 soil samples A, B, and C and D, we isolated 3 strains of bacteria that are highly resistable for Copper , named after ZH-1、ZH-2 and ZH-3, making use of culture medium that contained Cu( CuSO4,Cu2+2mmol/L). These growth characteristics and the comparison of the minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum inhibitory concentration of the three bacteria were 15, 20 and 25 mmol / L. Different gradient concentrations of Cu in the growth of law through the study of these three kinds of bacteria, the results show that Cu at low concentrations, little effect on bacterial growth, and some have a minor role; with the larger Cu concentration, bacteria have inhibitory role. Spectrophotometer in 5 mmol/LCu bacteria concentrations of Cu absorbance (adsorption capacity), the results show that the maximum adsorption capacity in 12~24h, and it follows the law that pH declines firstly and grows then. These strains were isolated in the more serious heavy metal contamination in soil samples, which Cu contamination of microorganisms in the environment to repair a certain use value.

Key words: Copper; Copper-resistant bacteria; Separation filter; Growth curve; Adsorption

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:本论文对土壤中铜耐受性微生物的筛选及其吸附性能进行了初步研究,旨在探讨铜与土壤微生物之间的内在关系,从土壤微生物生态学角度,充分认识铜对土壤的影响,为土壤铜污染的......
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