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资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-22
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   The sewage treatment plant project, the total amount to 40,000 tons / day. The wastewater treatment plant sewage treatment process : from the pumping station to Grit Chamber, enter oxidation ditch, two sedimentation tank, the final effluent; Sludge Process : two from the settling tank discharge of the first to reach the remaining sludge thickening tank, sludge thickening, and then enter Digester, After digestion of sludge sent to the belt filter presses, and further dehydration, transported to the landfill. Implementation of the national sewage effluent discharge standards (GB8978-1996) 1 standard.

   the main characteristics in pond in reaction:1)The craft process is short, the builds the thing is little with the equipments, do not establish the beginning sink the pond, regulating the pond with lone of two sink the pond, automatic reflux in dirty mire, investment province, can consume low, cover little, manage simple.2)Handle the result stability is dependable, its BOD5 does away with the rate with the SS all in 90%-95% or higher.The COD have to  away with the rate too above 85%, and the nitric turns with take off the nitrogen function obviously.3)Creation the dirty amount of mire in surplus is little, the dirty mire do not need the child, the kind is stable, easy dehydration, can't bring to pollute two time4)Build the price low, construct quick, the equipments trouble rate is low, circulating the administrative expense little.5)The liquid separates efficiency ratio general two sink the pond high, the pond permits small, can make whole system been bigger again get the discharge stabilize the movement with density scope inside.6)Dirty mire reflux on time, the possibility that reduce the dirty mire the inflation.

Key words:The craft of oxidation ditch,digestion tank,National standard


上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:该污水处理厂工程,总规模达到4万吨/日。该污水厂的污水处理流程为:从泵房到沉砂池,进入氧化沟,二沉池,最后出水;污泥的流程为:从二沉池排出的剩余污泥首先进入浓缩池,进......
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