
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-23
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Abstract:The degradation of the human environment is the he major issues facing global sustainable development in the new century. Improve the atmospheric environment has become an important task current and even future governments at all levels facing. Resource protection as an effective means of atmospheric air quality and environment automatic monitoring technology is very important. Air quality monitoring is the scientific basis for air pollution control, there is no quantitative and qualitative monitoring, air pollution control would be pointless. Air quality monitoring is also made for the protection of test results of the main mode. However, routine air quality monitoring can not satisfy the information age the need for atmospheric monitoring. Therefore, in the monitoring sites on the basis of rational planning, the use of modern technology to conduct air quality monitoring, data collection, transmission and storage and processing automation monitoring is the only way to protect the future of Air Resources. Automatic monitoring, governance, improve the atmosphere, protection of local sustainable development has been the consensus for the people of the world, also caused the central and local governments attach great importance. This work aims on the Nanjing Environmental aspects of air quality monitoring stations to be research, analysis of air quality monitoring status and trends of development at home and abroad, focusing on the environmental quality monitoring system composed of Nanjing, the layout of monitoring sites, monitoring station system components, air-line monitoring system andJournal report generation atmospheric and atmospheric-line monitoring technology in the forefrontAnd monitoring of projects and summarizes the relevant instruments, focusing on the conventional indicators of conventional pollutants SO2, NO2, PM10, and O3 parameters of a detailed description.. Finally, the improvement of atmospheric build automatic system put forward my own thinking。

Keyword: Air quality monitoring system; monitoring of projects; parameters; Monitoring System




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本文的工作旨在对南京市环境监测站大气质量自动监测方面做个调研,分析大气质量自动监测国内外的发展现状及趋势,重点探讨了南京市环境质量监测系统组成,监测站点的布设,监......
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