
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-29
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关键词 湿地旅游;溱湖;品牌生态;品牌生态化管理


Abstract:With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standard, people's consumption ability strengthens unceasingly, at the same time to meet the demand of material life and spiritual life of the start, tourism demand is also growing, the growing tourism market. Therefore, tourism has become the focus of each big city, the various countries and regions have increased efforts to develop tourism, and actively carry out the marketing activities for the tourism market. In this paper, according to the analysis of brand ecological wetland park Qin Lake Wetland Park, contribute to Qin Lake better brand management to enhance the competitiveness of the scenic spots.

   The main topic of the use of the qualitative research and quantitative analysis unifies, carries on the discussion to the Wetland Park Qin Lake brand management strategy, this paper draws the following conclusion: Wetland Park Qin Lake facing the tourism market competition is very intense, late Qin Lake Scenic Area; By analyzing the favorable and adverse factors can be learned, and puts forward some strategies from the aspects of brand ecological, to expand the visibility, seize the tourism market, obtains the long-term survival and steady development; Qin Lake Wetland Park is the strategy system of marketing strategy based on ecological scenic spot brand; In order to ensure the smooth implementation of brand strategy, it is very important to clear brand ecology the concept, to have the person responsible for the work and supervision. Scenic area should first clear brand project in the concept of scenic spot is the core part of overall marketing work. Next to clear, because the current brand management encountered many obstacles to the macroscopic and microscopic, combining with concrete situation of scenic spot, the brand building as a priority area of sustainable development.

Keywords  wetland tourism; Qin Lake; brand ecology; brand management 




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:,旅游成为各大城市的热点,各个国家和地区都纷纷加大旅游开发力度,积极开展营销活动争夺旅游市场。本文针对溱湖湿地公园的品牌生态分析,有助于溱湖湿地公园更好地进行品牌......
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