
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-24
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关键词: 仓单质押   物流企业   作用     展望


Abstract: This paper elaborates the concept of Warehouse receipt pledge, the basic model and it’s flow path. And Starting from how the logistics enterprises to carry out various warehouse receipts business ,this paper analyzes the status and the effect of the logistics enterprise in the warehouse receipt pledge mode, which including the importance of whole business process for Banks and the owner of the cargo, and also the risk digestion of them. This paper also explains how the warehouse receipt pledge can bring growth benefits, extend the service and changing the mode to logistics enterprise. In addition to the above said, this paper also summarizes the opportunities and the risk of challenge which the logistics enterprises faces with in current situation, And then, this article support some suggestions and outlook of the warehouse receipt  pledge.

Keyword: Warehouse receipt pledge ; The third party logistics enterprise ; effect ;outlook



上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:仓单质押的基本模式,是指货主企业把质押的货物存储在物流企业指定的仓库中,然后凭物流企业开具的仓单向银行申请贷款,银行根据货物的价值和其他相关因素向货主企业提供一定......
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