
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-06
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ABSTRACT:Throughout the development of global economy, energy problem has become the core issue of restricting the economic development in the new period, looking for new alternative energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels has become a global common issue. Clean, safe, cheap, and solar energy reserves of the objective to ensure human energy needs in the future will become the body of the world's energy future. Human exploration of solar energy technology promoted the development of solar photovoltaic power generation technology, the technology generally get the attention and support of the governments .

   At present, China's photovoltaic industry mainly refers to solar photovoltaic battery industry. Since last century, our country entered the stage of rapid development of photovoltaic industry, photovoltaic cell production in the world today. Our solar cell is an export-oriented products, 90% dependent on the international market. Close to external demand pull, faced with a lot of international economic fluctuations and risk of trade barriers and so on.so, since the 2011 financial crisis, the debt crisis in Europe and the USA and Europe has "double reverse" trade litigation left our PV industry in the problems we face at home and abroad.on March 20, 2013 Wu xi sun tech has outstanding photovoltaic industry enterprises in bankruptcy liquidation more highlight problem of photovoltaic industry in our country. 

   In this background, this article first introduces the domestic and foreign photovoltaic industry development present situation, with the trade competitiveness index, analysis of international competitiveness of China's photovoltaic products, and then from the two aspects of the international market and domestic market macro analysis typical accessibility problems existing in the photovoltaic industry development in our country, concluded that the troubles of China PV industry factors of both the international PV market woes, more reason is no domestic photovoltaic industry core technology, imperfect industry chain, new technology reserve shortage, policy support is not perfect. Finally aimed at these problems and combining with sun tech bankruptcy reorganization of lessons given China's photovoltaic industry respond to the changes in international situation, the countermeasures for the sustainable development of its background of the global market and domestic market as the foundation, to consolidate the European and American markets at the same time, actively explore overseas emerging markets to increase policy support and increase the core technology of investment, establishing and perfecting the system mechanism against trade protection, leads to the transformation of the photovoltaic industry to realize China's photovoltaic products in the international market based on the target.

Keywords: Photovoltaic Industry; industry development; international competitiveness


上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本文首先介绍了国内及国外的光伏产业的发展现状,用贸易竞争力指数分析我国光伏产品的国际竞争力,然后从国际市场和国内市场两方面宏观深入分析我国光伏产业发展存在的典型的......
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