
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-09
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关键词  后危机时代;金融危机;苏州对外贸易


Abstract:With the United States and other major economies of the enormous amount of economic stimulus plan, the world economy is beginning to show signs of a turn, since the third quarter of 2010, the global economic confidence is gradually restored, the practical industrial production began to pick up economic growth is expected to rise, the global economy gradually through the financial crisis of the panic period and entered the "era after the financial crisis". As a leader, on behalf of Chinese export-oriented economy foreign trade in the post-crisis era, how to clearly understand the situation, seize the opportunity is a severe challenge faced by Suzhou foreign trade. This paper analyzed Suzhou foreign trade facing the external environment and internal environment, such as the international financial situation changes, as well as caused by the revaluation of investment costs, labor costs increase, affect the export product structure is not reasonable cause of Suzhou's foreign trade, through to the Suzhou industrial structure adjustment, promote the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade development mode, effectively ease the financial crisis, and promote the healthy development of Suzhou's foreign trade.

Keywords: Post-crisis era  , Financial crisis, Suzhou Foreign trade




上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:鉴于本文研究的内容,为了更好的进行问题的剖析,本文采用了理论分析与数据分析相结合的方法,对苏州外贸进行详细分析。本文在阐述苏州外贸结构现状的基础上进行分析,采用定......
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